


The responsibility of maintaining discipline and conducive academic ambience rests on Proctorial Board. The coordinator of Proctorial Board is Chief Proctor, who is assisted by an Assistant Proctor and other members, one from each faculty. It is mandatory for the students to follow the rules framed by the Proctorial Board from time to time. Violating the rules by students and their misbehavior can attract punishment. It is mandatory for the students to follow the disciplinary rules in the college premises. If they have any grievance, they can report or inform to the Proctorial Board in writing.


Following illegal/indisciplined behaviour, conduct or activities are completely prohibited in the college premises:

  1. Ragging
  2. Smoking and use of any type of psychotropic drugs and alcoholic beverages.
  3. Damage and disfigurement of college property and buildings.
  4. Indiscipline and immoral act.
  5. Quarrelling, fighting, abusing and making noise.
  6. Use of mobile phone in class rooms.
  7. Sexual abuse /harassment.
  8. Rowdy behaviour.
  9. Strike and demonstration.
  10. Hindrances in conduction of classes and examination.
  11. Derogatory remarks or comments against any student and college staff.
  12. Promotion of superstition, and religious and cast feelings.
  13. Conduction and facilitating the activities of a political party.
  14. Use and submission of forged documents.


  1. Each student is required to possess college Identity Card during their stay in the college premises. Students can be asked by any member of Proctorial Board to show their Identity Card. Duplicate Identity Card can be issued, in case of loss of original copy, by the Proctorial Board.
  2. If the activities, conduct or behaviour of a student is found to be against the established rules, he/she may be deprived of taking admission or expelled or his/her admission can be cancelled.
  3. Student(s) resorting to strike and demonstration or provoking/ supporting / facilitating the same would be held guilty. Disciplinary action against such student(s) would be taken by the Proctorial Board/College Administration.

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